For part 2 - His entourage and Household operations, please click here.
For part 3 - His wealth, please click here.
Mohsen Makhmalbaf, internationally renowned filmmaker and the Iranian opposition's main spokesman abroad since the disputed presidential election, posted an article, entitled 'The secrets of Khamenei's life,' on his web site on Monday, December 28, 2009. Makhmalbaf has been living in exile in Paris. The original article in Farsi can be read here.
The following is a translation of the first part of the article. My notes are in italics.
Note: The term 'beyteh rahbari' has been translated as the Leader's Household in the broadest sense, which includes Ali Khamenei's personal office and inner circle.
The Secrets of Khamenei's Life
Mohsen Makhmalbaf
I compiled this text which is based on information relayed to me by former staff members of the Leader's Household and the Intelligence Ministry who have escaped abroad.
After the Shah and Khomeini, Khamenei is the individual who has most affected the public and private lives of Iranians in the past several decades. He is the person who more than any other knows about the lives of this or that individual through his intelligence apparatus. But very few people know the details about his home, family, connections, interests, or work habits. This excessive secretiveness has been a deliberate choice made by him and his system. By being shrouded in secrecy, he has derived a religious charisma among his followers and a sinister quality among the people.
This article aims to reveal the truth about Khamenei through first-hand sources. This disclosure is free of the constant expressions of hatred of these past days or the infatuation of his fanatical supporters.
His daily schedule
4:00 AM rises from sleep and engages in prayer
6:00 to 6:30 AM meeting with Hejazi (his chief of staff) (NB Asghar Hejazi)
6:30 to 7:00 AM meeting with Vahid (executive deputy of the Leader's Household)
7:00 to 8:00 AM meeting with Mojtaba (his second son), three times a week. (Mojtaba teaches at the Ghom seminaries about 150 days a year, but on all other days meets with his father every morning.)
8:00 to 10:30 AM reviews intelligence, political, and economic reports.
10:30 to 12:00 PM midday nap and rest
12:00 to 1:00 PM communal prayer and lunch
1:00 to 3:00 PM indispensable meetings (which vary and mostly concern the resolution of unexpected crises)
3:00 to 5:00 PM personal matters
5:00 to 8:00 PM special meetings (these encounters are described in the weekly and monthly schedules)
8:00 to 8:30 PM dinner
8:30 to 9:00 PM listens to the latest recordings
9:00 PM prepares for bed
Khamenei's weekly schedule
(NB The Iranian workweek is Saturday to Wednesday, and the weekend is Thursday to Friday)
1. Sunday afternoons, meetings with military commanders (NB This could be a typo and may refer to Saturday afternoons)
2. Sunday afternoons, meetings with Sepah (NB Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps) commanders
3. Monday dinners, meetings with the president
4. Tuesday morning, meetings with officials about his own financial matters (Hassan Khamenei (his brother), Mir Mohammadi, Mojtaba Khamenei, and Commerce Minister Shariatmadar (NB Possibly referring to Mohammad Shariatmadar, former commerce minister of reformist President Mohammad Khatami. Shariatmadar was a member of Khamenei's representative office for Hajj pilgrimage affairs from 1991.)
5. Tuesday dinners, meetings with [Assembly of Experts and Expediency Council chief] Hashemi Rafsanjani.
6. Wednesday afternoons, meetings with members of the Guardian Council.
7. Wednesday nights, dinner with Jannati (NB Head of the Guardian Council Ahmad Jannati)
Monthly schedule
1. Meeting with the head of the Majlis (NB Ali Larijani)
2. Meeting with the head of the judiciary (NB Sadegh Larijani)
3. Meetings with religious advisers (individuals who come from Ghom, like Moghtadeie and Yazdi (NB Possibly referring to Ayatollah Morteza Moghtadeie, head of the conservative Teachers' Association of Ghom Seminaries, and Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi, ultra-conservative head of the Imam Khomeini Research Center in Ghom and a spiritual mentor of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad))
4. Meetings with other advisers
Khamenei's personal interests
Doctors advised him to eat caviar and trout from the Lar river. In time, these two foods became personal favorites. Caviar is sent from Rasht by the city's Friday Prayer leader (NB Ayatollah Zeinolabedine Ghorbani, also Khamenei's representative in Gilan province). Pheasant meat is sent from Shiraz by Mr. Haeri (NB Possibly referring to Shiraz Friday Prayer leader Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi). He also consumes quail and ostrich meat (to avoid cholesterol).
A $500,000 device has been bought from the United States to check Khamenei's food and make sure it is not poisoned. The food is tested after a certain substance is added to it. The cook must taste the food before anyone else, in the presence of bodyguards.
Hiking in the mountains and horse riding. In 1999, Khamenei fell from a horse because he rides with only one hand and broke his hand. (NB Khamenei's right hand has been disabled since an assassination attempt in 1981. A bomb hidden inside a tape recorder blew up as he gave a Friday Prayer sermon.) On long trips within Iran, for example to Mashhad, Khamenei and Mojtaba's personal horses are taken to the destination inside an A330 airplane. Three specially-equipped trucks are used for transporting horses on shorter hauls.
There are about 100 horses, whose estimated total value is $40 million. The most expensive horse is worth $7 million and is called Zuljanah (NB The white stallion of Imam Hossein. Imam Hossein's martyrdom in 680 AD is commemorated on Ashura.) Mojtaba's horse is called Sahand. The horses are kept in two stables, one in the Malek Abad estate in Mashhad which measures 10,000 square meters and houses 70 horses, and another in Lavasanat (NB North of Tehran), measuring 3,000 square meters and housing 30 horses.
View Malek Abad - Mashhad in a larger map
Gadeh (NB A corresponding English word does not exist. Gadehs are rowdy gatherings of clerics where everything but religion is discussed.)

Beyond reports and the press, Khamenei has very little time to read books. From the time he was president (NB 1981 - 1989), he has told people on numerous occasions that the disadvantage of the presidency is that it takes away the possibility to read. However, he does study some books on presidents and world leaders. More than anything, he is interested in the Ghajar period, especially during Nassereddine Shah's reign. He has read all books written about himself as well as those on the Shah (NB Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who was deposed in the Islamic Revolution) and his family.
Pipe collection

Ring collection
There are about 300 rings in Khamenei's collection. Three were given to him by the Imam Reza Shrine authorities. The most expensive ring is worth $500,000 and boasts the oldest agate in the world. The collection is kept in the Leader's Household.
Cane collection
A few years ago, there were 170 antique canes in Khamenei's collection which was estimated at $1.2 million. The most expensive cane is worth $200,000. It is 170 years old and jewel-encrusted. On special occasions, he will give a cane, ring, or clerical cloak to someone as a present. Before the last presidential election in which Mir Hossein Mousavi was a candidate, he visited Mousavi's father and gave him a cane. Some people thought this was a sign that he agreed with [Mousavi's] candidacy. After [Islamic Republic founder Ruhollah] Khomeini's death, and at the beginning of his leadership, he sent a clerical cloak to Mr. Taheri, then Friday Prayer leader of Isfahan, because Taheri had been quoted as saying that when Khomeini had seen Khamenei on television during Khamenei's visit to India, he had said that Khamenei would make a good Leader. This same quote convinced the [Assembly of] Experts to vote for Khamenei. The footage of the Experts and the recital of this quote are available on YouTube.
He ususally gives gold coins as gifts to artists and poets who support him. He sometimes sends a check from the Leader's office. On occasion, some literary figures who flatter the regime are invited to the Household and are given prizes after reading their poems. (This tradition was common in the Ghajar courts, particularly that of Nassereddine Shah.)
Clerical cloak collection
There are about 120 cloaks worth about $400,000 in Khamenei's collection. The most expensive is worth $30,000. His favorite is a white cloak that he wears from time to time. The cloaks are made of camel hair.
Other interests
Rumors that he played the tar or sitar in his youth are false. But he was interested in music as a young man and listened to classical Iranian music. He used to like Shajarian's voice, but he dislikes him now because of Shajarian's political positions (NB Master Mohammad Reza Shajarian is one of the most acclaimed traditional Iranian singers. He has clearly sided with the opposition and openly demanded that the state media stop playing his songs). After becoming leader, and in particular in recent years, he has become increasingly opposed to music. He has spoken against music numerous times on television. This year, he ordered state radio-television to decrease its musical content in order to please his more religious followers.
In his youth, and perhaps simply because of his young age, he bought a red Volkswagen. He probably could not believe that years later during his own rule, some people would be held accountable simply because of the color of their automobiles.
In the report on Khamenei's past that Reyshahri prepared for Khomeini, references are made to two women who were temporarily wed to Khamenei (NB The term sigheh or temporary marriage refers to a form of prostitution allowed by Islam). These two women live in Mashhad.
Khamenei's interest in poetry began at a young age and has been maintained till today. He spent long hours at the poetry association of Mashhad. He has written some poems. He is delighted when poets write poetry about him and expresses his satisfaction through gifts to the poets. Sabzevari and Ali Moallem, who are among the fawning Muslim poets, are constantly corresponding with him. It is through them that he is informed of the problems of artists affiliated with the regime. At the start of his Leadership, he received the poet Mir Shakak, who was a manic depressive, several times. Khamenei became very proud of himself when Mir Shakak upon saying goodbye would say, 'Seyed zat ziad' (Meaning 'the honor is great', which is a colloquial prayer). Khamenei invites poets to his Household several times a year so that they may recite poems in his presence.
At the beginning of his presidency, he asked Akhavan Saless, whom he knew very well, to write a flattering poem for the revolution. Akhavan Saless (NB Mehdi Akhavan Saless, also known as M. Omid) responded, 'We artists are above the government, not with it.' Khamenei was so incensed by this answer that he ordered that he stop being paid. (NB Akhavan Saless worked at the Academy of Artists and Writers). Akhavan Saless became unemployed after that. Gheysar Aminpour has referred to this event in his article on Akhavan.
Khamenei intensely disliked Shamlou (NB Ahmad Shamlou, one of the most prominent Iranian poets of the last century) and referred to him with hatred. But he never dared arrest and punish him, because he feared tainting his own name in history. He has read much about kings who mistreated poets. In his speeches, he has often cited Lenin's phrase that if an ideology is not supported by art it will die. He loves poetry so much that if he had not become active in religion and politics, he would probably have turned to poetry and literature. However, because of his busy schedule, he sometimes makes glaring mistakes [in this regard]. Despite claiming to be knowledgeable about verse, when a young poet recited a poem in his presence, he asked him, 'Is this poem by you?' To which the poet responded, 'No, it is by Sohrab Sepehri.' (Any schoolchild knows Sepehri's work).
This is part 1 of a series.
For part 2 - His entourage and Household operations, please click here.
For part 3 - His wealth, please click here.
very interesting
ReplyDeletesoon we will know also the day of his death
I mean no disrespect to Islam or the people of Iran. Moshen Makhmalbaf gives and insiteful article into this Ayatollah. My question is how has he strayed so far from Prophet Mohammad way to Allah. Mohammad wanted to spread the truth of Islam to the people and to live accordingly but the Supreme Leader as he is called swallowed the opium of Supreme Pride and its delussions of self which are strengthened by the luxurious life style he has become accustomed too. He is the only leader that I can think of that is above visitation adn communication with the other world leaders. He is enclosed by wealth and power not by Islam. Acording to this article he doesn't eeven take time to study and meditate on Islam or on God. He already knows Gods will for the people and the world, his own will. Would not the invisible Imam reveal himself as a spirit that leads the people to the will of God and not through the thoughts of one man. The danger in which this secluded cleric has is that he is supposedly a leader of Islam but who wants to be the King of Islam and will do anything to maintain his lifestyle and his believed importance. Ayatollah Khomeni was a leader of the people. This man wants every one to believe in and revere him. The will of the people will decide where their beliefs lie and what path they believe is best for them. If he is the leader of Iran then he should remove the current president and all those who decieved the people and beging dealing with the people and the world himself. Iran does not need a Historical king it needs a devoted leadership . Devoted to the people freely expressing their will. I pray that in his Knowledge is the peace of the mankind that is addressed in the greetings of Islam and not just who doesn't belive what he thinks they should believe. I pray he will let the leadership of the people be governed by the people chosen by the people. He has forgotten that the people of iran are his people (brothers and sisters) not his slaves. May the "Father of life" Bless the people of Iran with the Freedom and Peace that will be a blessing to ALL Mankind.
ReplyDeleteMakes for an interesting CIA profiling job...
ReplyDeleteEarly riser!
ReplyDeleteQuite an active schedule for an elderly, partially disabled man.
Interesting to read that Khamenei has travelled to India. It's recently been widely reported in some US quaters that Khamenei has never traveled outside Iran. Apparently, that claim (among many others) is not true.
I thought the SL was still using Shah-era IRIAF aircraft. Apparently, it turns out he is using a newer, personally outfitted Airbus.
Also, interesting that the Artesh is provided with its own weekly audience (distinct from Sepah, which apparently is provided seperate, equal time).
Intriqued by the toxic detection device- how was it obtained given US sanctions? What is the make of the device and how old is it?
Agree, a fascinating individual.
A fascinating insight into the life of a despot. Thank you for your research - I look forward to Part 2.
ReplyDeleteHis time for honoring himself will soon be at an end. I hope he dies in poverty and disgrace, for the crimes he has perpetrated on his onw people.
ReplyDeleteTypical dictator's life...not surprised at all...
ReplyDeleteFrom an old Mashadi family here. He used to sing Rozeh for us and was particularly known for bumming cigarettes. He used to ride to and fro often on a two cylinder motor bike. Truly an accidental dictator.
ReplyDeletehe surely is very interesting and clever person.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what did you mean by "some people would be held accountable because of the color of their cars"?
Interesting read. Very detailed. Seems the author was a part of all transactions that took place. He has every single piece of information. Very well written. Good matter for a thriller. But how do you prove all this Mr Author? I am not among those who follow the principle of reading is believing. Newspapers around world have been pulled into a trap by this blog.
ReplyDelete“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” No matter what culture,race,or country it always seems to hold true. Very good article. Thank you for the insight.
Poor RAFSANJANI is getting a bad rape. At least he pretends and boasts to be involved in business and his family also somehow up there in the open. But Just when you thought we have seen the worst in our History, This SOB SULTAN ALI comes around and humbles even MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH. The true Persian title for this SOB SULTAN ALI is:
ReplyDelete****ZAHAK MARDOUSH****
(This DOUCHEBAG is not worthy of running even a Public Toilet, never mind a nation).
حاجی آقا کاریکاتوریست گل آقا
ReplyDeleteاین چرندیات خود گفتی یا از جائی به تو فرو کردند مگر مردم را احمق دیدی که این همه دروغ سر هم کردی برو با دوربینت بازی کن استعداد بهتری داری
That was sheer truth, I firmly believe some SOB like Mr Hajiagha are genuie Cocksuckers of Agha to reject this article
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to seeing the day when already-sinister Khamenaee and his ancestor reach a pariah status openly in every individual's eyes in all over the world as Hitler. That time is not that far. God will certainly avenge the oppression and murders he commited by thrusting agony in every single limbs of his and his already suffering wife's and satanic son's, Mojtaba,who is a true image of Satan. May this happen soon to be of paramount consolation to all genuine Iranian people.
ReplyDeleteHis number is up, and the countdown has already started on his dejection by the world.
Looks like the LA crew is spewing crap again..
ReplyDeleteI never expected more than this from Islam.
ReplyDeleteThis pseudo-islamic regime made me and many of my friends and relatives to quit Islam forever and to seek refuge in Christianity!
So the people of Iran struggle just to make ends meet and this Ayatollah lives it up and doing without nothing? So what is the difference between him and the former Shah????
ReplyDeleteMohsen jan.
ReplyDelete"Haji-Aagha" raast migeh: Tow baa dourbinet baazi kon. Begzaar IRAN ro yeh aakhound-e
"pedar-roond-eh" ** EDAAREH koneh !!
** khodesh miduneh chi migam
i guess we are stuck between believing and not believing, who knows?
ReplyDeleteکاریکاتریست گل آقا آن موقعه من خطاط حوزه بودم آقای مخلباف قاطی این حرام زاده های خارج نشین نشو هنرمند خوبی هستی و اشتباه من را نکن دوست عزیز و من شدم حمال کانادائی ها
ReplyDeleteكسي كه خطاط حوزه بوده فكر كردي واسش تو كانادا كاري هست غير حمالي؟ فكر كردي بهت خرج مخارج ميدن
ReplyDeleteنه منتظر اين و اون نمون كه يك جلسه بري رو ممبر چرت و برت بگي بعدهم بهت بول ميدن نه آقا تو خارج از اين خبرها نيست تقصير خودت نيست عادت كردي به مفت خوري...حالا هم بهت فشار مياد داري كار مي كني
I have few questions to the Author of this article: 1Q) what was the reason for him to leave Iran and in which year he left & why only he selected Paris(France) to live in?
ReplyDelete2Q) For whom he is working now, & by what means he is earning his livelihood?
3Q)When was the last time He met Rehbar(Khamenie)and visited IRAN?
If a Devil encounters a faithful then He also present unlawfulness in the wrapper of Theism likewise the author has also mixed some truth with of lot lies in this article. And as a Reader first we should know the authenticity of the author and to test this I have placed the above questions.
This is just American & British propaganda against the Law-full leaders of IRAN, to hide their(American & Europeans)War Crimes. as the IRAN is the only Nation which is standing stronger and raising the voice against these Devils(ISRAELS& Americans) so they want to stop this while placing such fake articles. And I request all the readers of this article not to belief it as it is nothing but a joke without any authenticity. And also request to view the link posted below to know the Real fact about the IRANIAN Leaders.
ReplyDeleteCopy & Paste the following link in your browser for the Truth.
Ok so let's all believe these lies. I mean how can anybody sit there and believe this nonsense. Not one single shred of evidence has been brought foward for these outrageous claims and yet so many people can't wait to believe any negative about this man.
ReplyDeleteIn reality, it is very silly. Makhmalbaf is a liar and a hypocrite, and Khamenei is in reality a very humble and sincere person.
I challenege anybody to bring foward one shred of evidence to support any of these ridiculous claims
Helloooooooo... its almost a month and no one has come up to shii3a's challange! where's the beef or is it all but lies????
ReplyDeleteI just wanna refer to Ataollah Mohajerani's Declarations - one of the activist in Green Movement - in Spring 2011 in which claimed that no one can find even a black spot on economic career of Khamenei and his family's.
ReplyDeleteJust one more word with Makhmalbaf:
How much people should tolerate this kind of lies from YOU and your companions?
Someone asked good question about Makhmalbaf -
ReplyDelete1.) why he leave Iran. Someone know?
2.) How he gets his money now? He live well in Europe
He has no job.
Someone must be paying him.
who is this person.
Does anyone know?
If you are so good in making up stories, you should have at least given a try at faking some photos to back up your claims. That way even more fart-heads would have followed your crap ..... Next time please be more convincing!!
ReplyDeleteI think this is all very interesting, but if I was Makhmalbaf, I'd be unable to sleep at night, as this is pretty personal information about the Supreme Leader. Remember what happened to Fereydoun Farrokhzad?
ReplyDeleteThis is just American & British propaganda against the Law-full leaders of IRAN,(like Imam Khamenei) to hide their(American & Europeans)War Crimes. as the IRAN is the only Nation which is standing stronger and raising the voice against these Devils(ISRAELS& Americans) so they want to stop this while placing such fake articles. And I request all the readers of this article not to belief it as it is nothing but a joke without any authenticity.