
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Regime's Paris embassy gets a green paint job

Protesters defaced the Islamic Republic's embassy and consulate in Paris on Tuesday night, February 9, 2010.

Balloons filled with green paint were thrown at the building's facades and slogans were spray-painted on the walls, according to the Independent Committee Against the Repression of Iranian Citizens. A French police spokesperson confirmed that 'paint damage' had been perpetrated on the embassy and consulate. The protesters filmed their artistic foray and posted the video to YouTube.

The Islamic Republic embassy had organized a dinner last night as part of the revolution's anniversary celebrations, according to Farsi comments posted next to the video. The protesters took advantage of the fact that embassy security agents had been deployed to the dinner's venue to carry out their paint attack. 'Paris's young greens took advantage of the inattention of the feeble-minded representatives of the coup government and covered the walls of the embassy and consulate with green slogans,' the group wrote, describing the French, English, and Farsi graffiti which proclaimed 'We are countless', 'Khamenei is a murderer',...

The Islamic Republic embassy has organized another grand reception tomorrow, February 11, at the Pavillon Dauphine event hall in Paris. The Paris-based Independent Committee Against the Repression of Iranian Citizens has launched a petition calling on the hall's managers to cancel the event and 'to have nothing to do with this filthy regime.'

For those who are interested: I'll be live-blogging on 22 Bahman, February 11, 2010, from 6:30 AM GMT.

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