
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ashura - 27 December 2009 - part 9 - Regime employs extreme violence

Demonstrators had expected that the regime would refrain from using excessive force because of the peaceful nature of the holy month of Moharram. But footage and photos coming out of Iran indicate that the opposite occurred and that security forces resorted to violence that had been unseen since the deadly protests of this summer.

The regime has denied anyone was killed in the protests today. The following pictures tell another story. I will add more as they come in:

A man shot in the head, according to various reports (courtesy AP):

This footage shows a young man shot in the back. Some reports claim this protester is Mir Hossein Mousavi's nephew:

Taken at Vali Asr Square. The young man at the end of the video is close to death. Protesters say that he was run over by a security vehicle:

(More reports from Ashura, December 27, 2009, click here)

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