
Resource Center

This list of resources will be updated regularly. If a link does not work, you would like to propose a link, or you seek a link which is not available here, please contact me through the e-mail address in the right margin.

  • Majlis
    مجلس شورای اسلامی
    Multi-lingual portal to the Islamic Republic's legislature, and its Research Center, news site, digital library, and the Supreme Audit Court.

  • Islamic penal code
    قانون مجازات اسلامی

  • Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    قانون‏ اساسي‏ جمهوري اسلامي ايران
  • Islamic Republic Document Center
    مركز اسناد انقلاب اسلامی

  • Iranian Media Digital Archive
    Regularly updated archive for documentary, news, and fiction shows from the television networks of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. I've only been able to watch shows using Explorer.

  • IRIB Live
    Live broadcasts of all television networks and radio stations of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.