
homylafayette in the press

This page offers a selection of some of the articles in the international press which cite or link to this blog. Please keep in mind that I do not necessarily share the views of these publications. I will try to add a selection of my fellow bloggers who have been kind enough to quote me to this list (updated April 30, 2010).

Austria, Der Standard, 13 April 2010, Ahmadi-Nejad unter Druck

Italy, AdnKronos news agency, 9 April 2010, Iran, in un video shock su YouTube gli abusi sessuali su presunti oppositori

Italy, La Voce, 9 April 2010, Iran, violenze sessuali su oppositori

Italy, Libero, 9 April 2010, Iran: in rete video shock abusi sessuali su presunti oppositori

Italy, Giornalettismo, 9 April 2010, Iran, video shock su abusi sessuali: vero o falso?

US, Front Page Magazine, 12 February 2010, The Mullahs Make the Green Revolution Invisible to the Media

Austria, Der Standard, 11 February 2010, Proteste am Revolutionstag

US, The Weekly Standard, 11 February 2010, Another Missed Opportunity on Iran

UK, The Guardian, 11 February 2010, Iran Protests: 22 Bahman

France, Courrier International, 11 February 2010, Téhéran en ébullition

US, The New York Times, 5 January 2010, Must Reads From the Week in Review

Holland, Welingelichte Kringen, 5 January 2010, Zes paleizen en meer voor Khamenei

Belgium, Express, 5 January 2010, Het geheime leven van de Opperste Leider Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

US, Politico, 4 January 2010, Hill staff talk Iran in Europe

US, The Daily Beast, 4 January 2010, Khamenei's Six Palaces

France, Rue 89, 30 December 2009, Mois du sang: le nouveau visage de la contestation en Iran

US, Pajamas Media, 28 December 2009, The Iranian Body Snatchers at Work

Italy, Internazionale, 4 November 2009, Teheran, è tornata l’onda verde

US, The Atlanta Journal - Constitution, 2 November 2009, Iran has another hero, this one still living, in Mahmoud Vahidnia

Albania, Voice of Albanians, 1 November 2009, Arrestohet studenti që i doli kundër publikisht ajatollah Khameneit

Italy, Il Sole 24 Ore, 31 October 2009, Iran: il coraggio dello studente che sfida Khamenei

Italy, Corriere della Sera, 31 October 2009, Iran: arrestato lo studente che ha contestato in pubblico Khamenei

Iran, Mowjeh Sabzeh Azadi, 24 September 2009, Ahmadinejad gets a New York welcome

France, 20 Minutes, 18 September 2009, Iran: Les manifestations sont terminées, l'ayatollah Khatami appelle à l'unité

UK, The Guardian, 17 September 2009, New Protests in Iran

Iran, Mowjeh Sabzeh Azadi, 14 September 2009, English Text and Summary of Soroush Letter to the Supreme Leader

UK, Enduring America, 14 September 2009, UPDATED Iran: Complete Text of Soroush Letter to the Supreme Leader